At the age of 69, Toby is a fit and energetic man who’s still heavily involved in the daily operations of his industrial plumbing business. He calls himself a realist, and he has a self-professed distrust of advertising. He won’t watch commercial television or listen to commercial radio, and if he spends time on the internet, his wife closes the door on him to muffle the sound of his non-stop grumbling about marketers being brainwashers.
Toby’s not unusual. People want information, but they want it at their own convenience – more often than not, they’ll hang up on telemarketers, delete spam emails, mute the TV when commercials are on, and pointedly ignore billboards while driving. It can be really hard for a business to make potential customers aware that it even exists, when so many of those people are determined to close their eyes, block their ears and sing “blah-de-blah-de-blah-blah, I can’t hear you!” The money you pour into advertising can easily disappear straight down the drain, resulting in very little, if any, return to you at all.
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