

The Indespensible T-shirt Printing Guide for Designers

Imagine the number of T-shirt designs a screen printer sees in the course of a year – hundreds, if not thousands.  And with all that experience of the t-shirt design industry, just imagine the wealth of knowledge and advice we would be able to offer a new designer!

In ‘Designers’ Guide to the Apparel Printing Industry’, Adam Wagner of GoMediaZine shares some wonderful insights and tips from his interviews with representatives from five major US apparel printers, covering topics such as design trends, file preparation, printing techniques and complex designs.

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What Our Customers Have to Say…

We value our customers feedback so much because it lets us know what we are doing right but also what we can improve on. Thankfully we do get more of the former but we love to hear the latter as well because as a business we need to improve to grow and serve our customers better.

I just wanted to share with you some feedback from one of our customers, Mary.

Photo of Mary's kid wearing the t-shirtI’ve been meaning to let you know that I love my ‘Building Immunity Naturally’ t-shirts.  They look better than I could have imagined.  Thank you to everyone involved.  I’ll be in touch again soon, and I’m attaching a photo of my little man modelling the new shirts….. Warmth and gratitude, Mary Veronica =)

If you have some feedback on your experience with us please let us know we’d love to hear from you. If you haven’t worked with us then we’d love your glowing message to be the next addition to the site when you do.

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Causes, fundraising, and the beloved T-shirt


Make a statement, bond a team, and raise money for a good cause – it’s not surprising that charitable activities and screen printed T-shirts so often go hand-in-hand.  Grandma’s cupcakes might taste magnificent and sell … well … like hotcakes … but T-shirts are bigger and they stay fresh longer.

Inedible or not, there are still quite a few ways you can put T-shirts to work for fundraising:
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Our wholesale t-shirt printing is taking off!!


wholesale t-shirt printingWe have always been able to do bulk t-shirt printing but we have recently been able to invest in some innovative screen printing equipment that has given us the ability to print more of these wholesale jobs, faster

and at lower prices.

This means that if you have a t-shirt printing job of more than 250 pcs (sometimes even less) you can benefit from these reduced prices.

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